Design Review

When a design is ready for review, Client Manager will schedule a phone or video conference meeting with the client.
Clients are able to view their design, ask questions and request design changes during the meeting.
Client Manager will provide timeline for the design team to make any requested adjustments.

GFD employs a team approach to design. The roles we each play in a project vary with that project's needs and goals.
Client Managers serve as the bridge between client and design team, facilitating our process and bringing all client requests and questions to our team.

Clients may request up to two rounds of design adjustments within the initially quoted design cost.
Further adjustments or changes outside the proposed design scope will require a new design proposal and cost.

Once a client approves a design, the second half of design cost, as well as the full cost of materials and project management are invoiced.
Work is scheduled to follow design approval and invoice payment. Client manager will update client on installation timeline.