Design Characteristics

Stylistic Attributes
Our design team names the themes and traits we see within a client's Inspiration Photos.
We then seek these qualities when choosing plants and determining their layout.
*Wild, Abundant, Flowing Transitions
*Open, Minimal, Plays of Light
*Ocean, Dance, Medicinal, Contrast
*Linear, Symmetrical, Traditional

Perennials live for many years. Their tops often "die" in the Fall, when the plant moves into reproduction mode, trying to disperse its own seeds. The plant waits out Winter, safe within its own root system, ready to send up a new shoot in the Spring.
Designs define the quantity of tall, medium and ground cover perennials included in any given component.
Specific perennial types are chosen at the nursery and are not predetermined in design.

Sun Exposure
Plants have strong preferences when it comes to how much light they receive.
Some plants placed in an environment with too much or too little light for them will simply not thrive. Others will die in the wrong environment.
To ensure all plants are well suited for their intended location, components are categorized as:
Full Sun, Partial Sun, Partial Shade or Full Shade

Shrubs are woody, have several main stems and reuse their branches. Evergreen Shrubs keep their greenery year-round and are conifer (like pines) or broadleaf (like boxwoods.) Deciduous shrubs flower in Spring or Summer and lose their leaves in Fall.
Designs specify shrub placement, categorization, container size, and desired height/width when mature.
Specific shrub types are chosen at the nursery. Clients can choose from 1-3 offered shrub choices on shopping day.

Annuals provide big color and can be planted in their own containers or within existing garden beds.
They only last for the season they are planted.
Specific annual types are chosen on the day of shopping and are not given in the design.
All GFD annual plantings are designed to be abundantly planted.

Color Palette
We use the colors found in client's Inspiration Photos as well as any specific color requests from the client to create a color palette for each project.
-Soft Pinks, Light Yellows, Magentas and Dark Purples
-Reds, Oranges, Blues, No Pink
-Dominant Color Green, Gold Highlights, Yellows

Trees offer shade, privacy and color. Some flower and produce edible fruits. They filter pollution and release oxygen.
"To plant trees is to give body and life to one's dreams of a better world."
-Russell Page
Designs specify exact tree type, starting size and placement.
Trees require thoughtful planning and significant financial investment due to the amount of space and water they need.